Mysqldb For Python Mac

Mysqldb for python mac os

I try to install install mysqlclient on mac in a virtual env with the following. Py creating build creating build/lib.macosx-10.14.6-x8664-3.8 creating build/lib.macosx-10.14.6-x8664-3.8/MySQLdb copying MySQLdb/ - build/lib.macosx-10.14.6-x8664-3.8/MySQLdb copying MySQLdb/ - build/lib.macosx-10.14.6-x8664-3.8. MySQLdb is an interface for connecting to a MySQL database server from Python. It implements the Python Database API v2.0 and is built on top of the MySQL C API. How do I Install MySQLdb? Before proceeding, you make sure you have MySQLdb installed on your machine. MySQL Connector/Python: MySQLdb to work on OSX 10.6. September 21, 2009 09:51PM. MySQLdb on Mac OS X 10.5.8. Geert Vanderkelen. October 17, 2009 03:09PM. MySQLdb is a Python DB API-2.0-compliant interface; see PEP-249 for details. For up-to-date versions of MySQLdb, use the homepage link. Supported versions:. MySQL versions from 3.23 to 5.5; 5.0 or newer recommended. MariaDB should also work. Python versions 2.4-2.7; Python 3 support coming soon. ZMySQLDA is a Database Adapter for Zope2. Sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libmysqlclient-dev Fedora 24: sudo dnf install python python-devel mysql-devel redhat-rpm-config gcc Mac OS brew install mysql-connector-c. If that fails, try. Brew install mysql.

MySQL is an excellent, very popular and open source database management system. A binary installation is available for Mac OS, and the process of installing MySQL on Mac OS is also very well documented. So just head over to, where you will find the binary installation, together with extensive installation, and usage documentation.

PycharmMysqldb For Python MacPython

To connect to MySQL from Python use MySQL for Python (MySQLdb). Get MySQLdb from

  1. Download MySQL from and install the DBMS as instructed in the documentation.
  2. Make sure “Library/Python/2.3” does not have:


  • Directory “MySQL”
  • File “_mysql.pyd”
  • File “”
  • File “_mysql_exceptions.pyc”

Either uninstall MySQL for Python if a setup program was used to install it, otherwise manually delete them.


Mysqldb For Python Mac Tutorial

  1. Download and unpack MySQL for Python. At the time of writing this is MySQL-python-1.2.1_p2.tar.gz .
  2. Open Terminal and change to the directory where MySQLdb was unpacked to.
  3. Get rid of any previous builds that might interfere, by deleting the “build” directory if it exists.
  4. Edit the file, and change:

    return popen(“mysql_config –%s” % what)
    return popen(“/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config –%s” % what)

  5. Cleanup any previous install attempts:

    python clean

  6. Build MySQLdb:

    python build

Python Tutorial

Viola! MySQL for Python is all setup, and ready for your Python-MySQL data access code. Enjoy!