Pattern Maker For Mac Os

Sewing pattern software helps to create the necessary patterns and designs for clothes. We will review the top 7 sewing pattern software so that you can use to create the design and pattern for your clothes and get it stitched. It helps in creating the best patterns and design for your clothes. Free of cost sewing patterns are available for download. This is used by the textile industry for making their dress or dress designers who will then stitch their own fashionable dress.

  1. Os Maker Software
  2. Mac Os For Pc
  3. Pattern Maker For Mac Osx

MAC Cosmetics Patternmaker Warm Palette: rated 4 out of 5 on MakeupAlley. See 5 member reviews and photos. Valentina is an open source pattern design software that comes loaded with lots of powerful features. This software is available for Windows, Mac, and several variants of the Linux OS. As a result, it accesses virtually all the users on the desktop platform. The application is ideal for small batch and customized garments designers. Cross Stitch Software MacStitch and WinStitch Over the last 25 years, we have developed MacStitch (for Apple Macs) and WinStitch (for Windows machines). Same great app, one for each kind of computer! Current Version: 2020 (V15.x) - Mac works on all OSX from 10.9 onwards including Catalina.Windows from Windows 7 upwards, including Windows 10. Professional graphic design software for Mac to create logos, mockups, badges and flyers. Moreover, Art Text can help to decorate any work with stunning design elements, such as icons and buttons, social headers and captions, word art and 3D text. Installing PatternMaker on a Mac using PlayOnMac. Marvelous Designer 5 - Time Lapse - Experiment with Pattern - Inspired by Star Wars Rogue One Disney - Duration: 12:11. Basquiaty Art 154,250 views.


Pattern Maker

Pattern Maker has many modules for creating and viewing the dress patterns. A viewer is a free software which helps to view the pattern and take the print of the pattern. The PatternMaker Deluxe Editor is the tool for editing the patterns for the sewer. It has all the functionality of the viewer.

Fittingly Sew

Fittingly Sew is a software for people who want to design their own patterns. It has powerful tools to start you with sloper patterns and templates for your original design. You can also draft your own patterns just like how you would do on paper. The editing feature makes it very easy to have your own patterns.

Dress Shop

The Dress Shop software includes the most important and popular patterns from the catalog. The patterns include Fit Options and Garment Options. You can design the dress of your own choice. It has a collar designer. A panel tool for the empire waist and midriff. It has a princess line customizer available.

Other Platforms

The sewing pattern software is available on other platforms like Android, Mac, and Windows. We will evaluate the different software available on this platform. You can use the sewing pattern software on the platform you prefer.

Sewing Pattern for Android

Sewing Pattern is available on the Android platform and works on your mobile. It is a catalog software for your sewing patterns. You may have bought a pattern ad realized that you already have that dress. This software allows you to catalog the patterns and search it in case you need the platform.

Stitch Works Software for Mac

The software works on the Mac platform. It is used to make crochet charts. It allows freeform placement of the stitches. It can optionally generate basic rows or rounds. It comes with a database of stitch and symbols. You can export the charts to various formats like PDF, SVG and others.

Fashion CAD for Windows

It is an accurate pattern making software for perfectly fitting garments. You can create unique patterns that will fit your shape or your customers’ size and shape. It innovates the way grading is done. You just need to mark the points and it does the grading automatically. It is a very accurate tool and has flexibility while designing the patterns.

Most Popular Sewing Pattern – Bernina Embroidery

The software is used to make the existing design much better with easy to use tools for customization. You can change the stitch types and colors with a click. Automatic digitizing tools create the embroidery directly from the available graphics. There is a large data bank of patterns available for use. You can also see Dress Designing Software

What is Sewing Pattern Software?

You are a clothing designer and need to make exquisite clothes the sewing pattern software helps you to do the same. It can be used by the homemaker who stitches or knits clothes in the house. The software consists of a large number of patterns for use. The patterns are available for various parts of the body which can be combined to make a dress. You can also see T-Shirt Design Software

There are editing tools available to customize and enhance the current patterns to make really good patterns. The software helps to view these patterns and then print them later. It also exports the design into various files formats like PDF and SVG.

You need to make exquisite dress then the sewing pattern software reviewed above is the best available software. Choose the one you like the most based on your preference and platform and design the best clothes for yourself and your customers.

Mac os list

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SweaterMaker for Machine Knitters in Windows. Making charting easy. New!
Check out our free patterns!

Child's 12
Women's 40
Men's 48
Barbie doll size

See exactly what SweaterMaker writes for you!

What versions of Windows or Mac will SweaterMaker run on?
What printers will SweaterMaker print on?
Show me SweaterMaker screen shots

Marta had been a machine knitter for 10 years. She knew hermachine inside and out. She knew how to chart set-in sleeve sweater patterns,had done it for years with paper, pencil, and calculator. She belonged to aknitting club that met once a month for show-and-tell of their latest projects.

Her husband Dan encouraged Marta to learn how to use theirhome computer to design her sweaters. So did her knitting club friend Patty. But the women in her group talked abouthow expensive the software was, and that it was hard to use, and you prettymuch had to take lessons to figure out how to use it. “No, thanks,” Marta said.“I have my way to chart my sweaters and it suits me fine.”

One October morning, Marta and Patty were visiting at Marta's kitchen table. “Marta,” Patty said, “I brought mylaptop. I want to show you the knitting software I bought.” She reached down to pick up her computer out her bag.

Marta frowned. “Oh, Patty, not again.'

Just then, Marta’s daughter Amy burst in through the side door of the house and into the kitchen. “Hi, Patty,' she said. 'Oh, Mom, I had the greatest idea for the Christmas card this year! Let's have a family portrait takenof all of us, you and all the kids and their families. Three generations offamily! Won’t that be terrific?”

“Oh, honey,” Marta said, “What a wonderful idea!”

“And here’s the kicker, Mom: we’ll all be wearing matchingsweaters that you made for us!”

Marta’s smile faltered.

Amy continued happily, “It will be so cool! Like we’re allmembers of a very exclusive, private club. From three-year-old Benny toseventy-whatever dad is, all the same. Can you do it for me, Mom? Please please please please PLEASE???”

Marta said, “Of course, honey, if it will make you happy.”

“Ooh, Mom, thank you! I hoped you’d say that. Here.” Shefished a folded sheet of paper out of her purse. “This is a list of everyone’ssizes, and the sweater I want. I have it all designed in my head.”

Marta studied the paper. “Saddle shoulders,” she murmured.She had never knitted a saddle shoulder sweater in her life.

Patty looked over Marta's shoulder. 'Cardigans,' she commented. 'With V-necks and plain hems. These will be beautiful.'

“Yes!” Amy said. “They’re all the rage now.’

Marta said, “And you want the sweaters done…when?”

“Well, let’s see, we have to give the post office at leasta couple of weeks to deliver the cards before Christmas, and we have to givethe photographer a few weeks to print the photos and make copies, so thesweaters have to be done, oh, say, the first week of November.”

Marta protested, “That’s three weeks from now!”

Amy nodded. “I know, I know, it’s not much time.'

Patty wrapped her arm around Marta's shoulder, 'No problem, Amy! The gals in club and I can help.'

Amy reached down and hugged them both. 'Thank you, thank you. This will be so terrific!” Sheglanced at her watch. “Oh, gee, I have to go.” She kissed her mother on the cheek. “I’ll buy the yarn and bring it over this afternoon. You can use the time until then to design the sweaters. Okay? Seeyou later, Mom! Nice seeing you again, Patty!” The door closed and the room was quiet again.

'Well.' Patty studied the paper. 'Look at this. Twelve different sizes. And they're saddle shoulders. How many saddle shoulder sweaters have you designed?'

'Well, they're just like set-in sleeves, right? I've designed hundreds of them over the years. The only difference is those little saddle things. I can do this. How hard can it be?' She gathered pencils and paper, her booklet of standardsizes and calculator, and got to work. “I’ll start with the smallest one, forthe three-year-old,” she decided.

Patty smiled at her friend. 'Well, if you need any help, give me a call.' She packed up her laptop and left.

Marta grinned. She would show Patty. This was easy. She could chart a sweater, any sweater. But twenty minutes later, Marta was near tears with frustration.The math was tricky. That little saddle threw off everything familiar, justenough that she kept making errors.

Two days later, Patty got a phone call from Dan, Marta's husband. 'Patty, can you come over?' he said urgently.

'Why, what's wrong?'

'Just--come over. As soon as you can.'

Patty dropped everything and drove to her friend's house. Dan answered the door. He looked worried. 'Am I ever glad you're here.' He reached out and pulled her inside.

'What's going on?' Patty stared into the living room. On the carpet was a large opened box containing many cones of yarn. The family computer was turned on showing a page on the Internet. Beyond the living room, she could see the dining room table covered with papers, many of them crumpled into balls. Marta sat at the dining room table, leaning back in her chair, her arms crossed, her expression dark with frustration.

Patty exchanged looks with Dan. She walked tentatively to Marta. 'Hi, Marta.'

Marta didn't answer.

'How is the charting going?'

Marta wailed, “Why did I ever agree to this? I should havemy head examined. I can chart set-in sweaters and dropped shoulders, they’rework but at least I’m familiar with them. But saddle shoulders? Who everthought they were a good idea? That little saddle keeps throwing me off, justenough to make math errors. It's so confusing! This is harder than I thought it would be.”

'Let me help you,' Patty said.

'No!' Marta snapped. 'I can do it myself.'

'Of course you can,' Patty said soothingly. 'But why should you? It would be faster and easier using the computer.'

'I can do it myself,' Marta insisted. She sat up and began writing and punching buttons on her calculator.

Patty turned to Dan and asked softly, 'Did you get SweaterMaker, like I asked you to the last time I was here?'

He nodded. 'Downloaded it this morning.'

'Good.' Patty fished a piece of paper out of her purse with writing on it. 'These are all the sweaters Marta's supposed to design and knit. Start up SweaterMaker, and plug in the numbers. Do the biggest one. It's a man’s size 42, saddle shoulder cardigan, with a V-neck and one-by-one ribbing at the waist and wrist.'

He took the paper. 'Patty, I've watched you two knit for a lot of years, but I don't even know how to knit, much less how to use this software.'

Patty grinned. 'Just get as far as you can, and if you need help, holler.'

He nodded doubtfully and left.

Patty turned back to her friend. 'Marta, stop.'

Marta continued scribbling. Patty could see her friend was just writing down meaningless, random numbers.

'Marta, stop!'

Marta sat back abruptly, crossing her arms. 'What? You want to point out how stupid I am?'

Patty pulled out a chair and sat across from her friend. 'Marta, there comes a point where you have to just stop wasting your time with the tedious stuff.'

Marta scowled.

Patty continued, 'Are you enjoying what you're doing?'

'Do I look like I'm enjoying what I'm doing?'

'No, you don't. You need to chart twelve sweaters. How many have you done?'

For answer, Marta got up and went to the bedroom that served as her knitting room. She returned a moment later with a pile of knitted pieces. Most were partway done, ragged edges, none of them blocked. She tossed the pile on top of her paperwork. 'These are what I've done so far. Not one of them is right.'

Patty said gently, 'Marta, honey, you are an experienced, skilled knitter. You have a good eye for choosing colors and textures, you're an expert with joining pieces and keeping track of shaping changes, putting in those small decorations that make a garment special. How many of your sweaters have won prizes? How many people have been lucky enough to receive one? You should be spending time doing what you love, and what you're good at. This stuff--' she waved at the paperwork on the table--'this stuff is just boring, tedious math. This is just the groundwork that has to be done before you can do what you're best at.'

Marta wiped her eye.

Patty continued, 'What if you could finally do away with all this paperwork, and just focus on doing the fun part?'

Just then, Dane called from the living room, “Honey, what is your stitch and row gauge?”

Marta answered automatically. “Seven and a half stitches andten rows per inch.” She caught herself and said, “What do you need that for?”

Patty said, 'He's charting a sweater.'

Marta stared. 'Dan? He doesn't even know how to knit.'

'He doesn't need to. Not really.'

'But--but the ladies in club said that computers were hard and you have to take lessons to use them.'

'That's true for some knitting software. Not this one.'

'And they're expensive. We're on a limited budget.'

'This one cost less than sixty dollars.'

'And they take a long time to chart the sweater.'

At that moment, Dane entered the kitchen, smiling triumphantly and carrying a pile of papers. He pushed aside the papers on the table, leaving a bare spot, and with great ceremony, placed the papers in the empty spot. 'Madam, your pattern. Done.'

Marta stared at him. 'What is this?'

Patty smiled. 'Take a look.'

click the picture
for a larger image

Marta picked up the top sheet of paper. It was a diagram of a saddle shoulder sweater front, complete with measurements, needles in work, rows knitted, and notes about the sweater.

click the picture
for a larger image

She turned to the second page. It was a diagram of the sweater back with all the same information.

click the picture
for a larger image

The third page was a diagram of the saddle sleeve. Marta was surprised to see that the sleeve was knitted from the neck to the wrist--but of course! She smacked her forehead. That would make assembly so much easier!

click the picture
for a larger image

The last page contained instructions on knitting the sweater sleeve. The last few pages were a complete set of row-by-row text instructions describing how to knit the sweater. It was all there. Everything she ever put on her own sweater instructions so that she would remember it all.

She turned to him in astonishment. “Where did you getthis?”

He smiled. “On the computer.”

She squinted. “Youdid? So fast? How?”

He grinned. “I ordered some software online, downloaded itstraight to my PC. Installed it, and fired it up. I plugged in the numbers Pattygave me, and voila! Your pattern, your size, your sweater features, all readyto go.”

Marta stared at him, at the papers, bursting withquestions. Finally she said, “Show me.”

They walked to the living room where computer was. Dangestured at the chair. She shook her head. “You do it.”


He shrugged and sat down. “Okay,” he said, “now, I’m notan expert, but here’s the page where I set everything up.” He clicked his mouseand the screen changed. “Here’s where you set the kind of body you want. I putit on saddle shoulder, see? And here’s where I set it to V-neck, and here’swhere I set it to being a cardigan. And here’s where I set the size. Men's here, forty-two here.”

Marta saw. Even with her limited computer experience, thisseemed simple enough. “Okay, so how did you get the pictures?”

He clicked the mouse and a new picture appeared on thescreen. “Like that.”

“Just—like that?”

“Yes. It makes the pictures all by itself—I didn’t doanything except print them.”

“What about the instructions?”

Os Maker Software

“Same thing. It just does it itself.”

“Move,” said Marta, nudging his shoulder.


“Move. I want to try it.”

Dan smiled again. “I thought you didn’t like computers.”

She made a fist. “We can make this hard, or we can make thiseasy. Move.”

Dan got out of the chair. Marta sat down, took the mouse. It took her a little practice to get the arrow to move where she wanted it to go, and she had to concentrate to press the correct mouse button. But it sure seemed awfully easy. What was the catch? There must be something hard about this. She pressed on, certain she'd find the catch somewhere.

Within an hour, she had designed all twelve sweaters.

Mac Os For Pc

She carried the pile of patterns into the kitchen. Patty was quietly unraveling the knitted pieces had not worked out winding the yarn into a ball. Dan sat reading the newspaper. Marta showed her patterns to them. “I don’t get it.I just don’t get it,” she said.

“What? Something go wrong?”

“No! That’s not it at all.” She dropped the patterns onthe table, atop her pile of scribbled-up pages. “The gals in my knitting clubsaid that using computers was hard. This wasn’t at all! They said the programwas expensive. It wasn’t! I don’t get it.”

Patty shrugged. “They must have been using something else.”

Marta took a long look at her pile of hand-writtencalculations. Then at the printouts she’d made. Back at the calculations. Sheinhaled deeply, sighed, scooped up her handwritten calculations, and put them inthe recycling bin under the sink. She turned to her friend and her husband. “Okay, I admit it. You were right. I have betterthings to do than sit around punching calculator buttons,” she said. “Like knitsome sweaters.”

SweaterMaker is Compatible with Windows and the Mac

Wondering if SweaterMaker will run on your computer? If you're running Windows or a Mac, see the table below. If you're running anything else, pleasee-mail me.

What kind of Knitting?

SweaterMaker is written for machine knitters.

There is no hand-knitting version of SweaterMaker. We have no plans to write one.

machine knitters who also hand knit may be able to use the graphics (drawings) to chart their hand-knitted sweaters.

SweaterMaker at your Knitting Machine

SweaterMaker drawings and instructions are intended to be printed, and the knitter takes the printouts to her knitting machine and refers to them while knitting.
If you have a tablet, you can try taking it to your machine and referring to your instructions there. I have not actually done that, so

Microsoft Windows

Works perfectly on all Windows platforms from Windows 95 to
64-bit Windows 10
. That includes:
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista 64-bit
  • Windows Vista 32-bit
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Centennial Edition
  • Windows 2000
  • Windows NT
  • Windows 98
  • Windows 95


We do not offer a version of SweaterMaker specifically written for the Mac. But you can still run SweaterMaker on your Mac.

Here is what Apple says on their web page :

'Every new Mac lets you install Windows XP and Vista and run them at native speeds, using a built-in utility called Boot Camp.

'Setup is simple and safe for your Mac files. After you’ve completed the installation, you can boot up your Mac using either Mac OS X or Windows. (That’s why it’s called Boot Camp.) Or if you want to run Windows and Mac applications at the same time — without rebooting — you can install Windows using VMware or Parallels software.'

How great is that! Boot Camp is FREE with a new Mac. All you have to do is install your own copy of Windows XP or Vista on your Mac, and then you can run SweaterMaker from there.

From what they say above, I am confident that SweaterMaker will run under Boot Camp. If I had a new Mac, I'd do this.

If your Mac is older, you may be interested in trying CrossOver Mac, by DreamWeaver (see . It is another application that allows you to run a Windows program on a Mac. It comes with a 30-day trial period, so you can try it and see if it works for you.

If nothing works, relax. SweaterMaker comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Try it! If it doesn't run on your computer, or if it just doesn't work for you, simply follow the directions below.

And if you already own a Mac and are running SweaterMaker, I'd love to hear from you! Please e-mail me to tell me your experience.

You may be wondering, 'Will SweaterMaker's drawings print on my printer?'

SweaterMaker works essentially like a boss, a middle manager, and aworker. SweaterMaker says to Windows, 'Hey, I want a copy of this and this, print it out for me.' Windows says, 'Yes, ma'am.' It turns to the printers already installed on a computer, 'Hey, I want a copy of this and this, print it out for me.' The printer says, 'Yes, sir,' and prints.

In other words, if you can already print documents and pictures using a printer installed on your computer, you will be able to print SweaterMaker documents and pictures. It doesn't matter what make or model the printer is. SweaterMaker doesn't do the work, Windows and the printer do.

SweaterMaker Doesn’t Do Darts

A dart is a fold sewn into a fabric to make a bulge, orpucker. The most common place for a dart is in the bustline of a woman’s shirt.Another place might be the lower front of a shirt for a pregnant woman, or verylarge man.

SweaterMaker doesn’t give you a way to create darts.

But SweaterMaker does give you 38,830 Built-in Sweaters!

And it will chart every one of them for you with your ownstitch and row gauges. And you can customize some of the dimensions of your sweater, which effectively makes the number of sweaters you can make...not infinite, but very, very large.

38,830 sweaters?That's already large! Where do we get this number?


Here’s how.


Every time you design a sweater, you choose one style fromthe “Options” column in the table below.

Design FeatureOptions
Body styleset-in sleeve, dropped shoulder, raglan sleeve, vertical Dolman (knitted from the waist up), horizontal Dolman (knitted from wrist to wrist, in one large piece), saddle shoulder, or round yoke
Front stylePullover or cardigan
Hem style1x1 rib, garter bar, machine crochet, picot, plain, popcorn, or Princess Di hem
Trim Style1x1 single-thickness rib, 1x1 double-thickness rib, pie crust, folded wisteria leaf, rolled edge, or 2x2 rib with roll collar
SizeMen’s even size 34-48, Women’s even size 34-48, or Child’s even size 2-12

(If you’re interested in the exact math I used to getthat number,click here to see my calculations.)

Those are just the built-in sweaters. You can also customize the dimensions of your sweaters to anything you want them to be.

For example, suppose you wanted to make a short-sleevedshirt with a sleeve that ended halfway down your upper arm. First you wouldchoose one option in each row in the above table. Then you would change twomeasurements:

  • the wrist-to-underarm length (make it shorter)
  • the wrist circumference (make it larger, because it's now not meant to fit the wrist, but the upper arm)

'Yeah, but what does SweaterMaker look like when it's running?'

You may be wondering, 'How complicated is SweaterMaker?'

Or, 'Is it easy to use?'

I would love to tell you, 'Yes! It's easy!' But don't take my word for it. Let me show you some 'screen shots' of SweaterMaker in action. A screen shot is just a picture of what is displayed on your computer's monitor when some application is running.

Pattern Maker For Mac Osx

I ran SweaterMaker as it charted patterns for all seven body styles, and took screen shots of the pieces as they went by. Click Screen Shots to see SweaterMaker in operation. For example, you'll see what the vertical Dolman sweater looks like--you will be knitting it all in one big piece!

I offer a money-back guarantee for SweaterMaker. Try it for a full 30 days. If it's not what you're looking for, or if it doesn't run on your computer for whatever reason, uninstall the program from your computer, return the manual and CD, and we'll refund the cost of the software (but not shipping). No risk to you.


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Payment Methods

We accept cash, checks, money orders, and cashier's checks through postal orders, or credit cards through PayPal.

For postal or easy PayPal ordering: Send me an e-mail. Tell me what you'd like to order, give me your mailing address, and I'll send you a PayPal invoice. Either mail me a check for the specified amount, or complete the PayPal invoice, and I will send you your order.

For PayPal (credit card) orders, please choose from the following options. Click to see what is currently in your shopping cart.

Full Package: CD, Manual, and DownloadThe full package: an original CD containing the installation software, a PDF (printable document) of the user's guide, and, for those who can't wait to get started, you can download the installation files.

Note: SweaterMaker is for machine knitters.

SKU 0050-1110.....$59

CD and Manual

Note: SweaterMaker is for machine knitters.

SKU 0050-1100.....$54

CD onlyNote: SweaterMaker is for machine knitters.

SKU 0050-1000.....$49

Download-onlyThe download-only version allows you to pay for SweaterMaker via PayPal, and when your payment clears, you will receive instructions to download the installation zip file. You can then install SweaterMaker and begin using it immediately.

Note 1: The download-only version does NOT come with a CD or manual. We strongly encourage you to make a backup copy of the SweaterMaker installation file and store it somewhere safe.

Note 2: The download-only version does come with a PDF of the manual, which you can read online or print and read at your leisure.

Note: SweaterMaker is for machine knitters.

SKU 0050-0010.....$39

Manual only

Note: SweaterMaker is for machine knitters.

SKU 0050-0100.....$12