Which Attributes are Stored in Palettes
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Although each palette entry could store all attributes of a fixture,it's easier to operate the console if you create some palettes whichonly set positions, some for colour, some for gobo and so on. Theconsole helps you with this by providing separate windows for Colourpalettes, Position palettes, and Gobo/Beam palettes.
When you store a palette, it will only contain what's in the programmer(the attributes you have changed since you last pressed Clear). Forexample to create a colour palette you would just set the colour, andnot change any other attribute. You can also make palettes which containeffects such as shapes and pixel mapping. If fade or delay times areprogrammed for fixtures or attributes, these will also be stored in thepalette, and you can also create palettes which contain only timeinformation.
If the programmer contains more than one attribute, you can set a maskto restrict which fixture attributes will be stored in the palette.
Palette information may be Global, Shared or Normal:
- Global palettes work on any type of fixture
- Shared palettes apply the same value to all fixtures of the same type -for example when settingcolours, the 'Red' palette would set the same colour values for 'Red' toall MAC 2000 fixtures
- Normal palettes are used when each fixturerequires its own value - for example when programming positions, eachfixture will have a different setting
It is possible, by merging information into palettes, to create apalette which contains global, shared and normal attributes.
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Available attributes for Global palettes are Dimmer, Pan, Tilt andColour. When creating a global palette for a colour mixing fixture, bothCMY and RGB attributes are calculated and a special 'dynamic' value isadded to colour wheel channels, the console will attempt to match theclosest fixed colour wheel colour to the selected mix colour.
There is a User Setting 'Minimum Palette Mode'which can force the console to record palettes in Shared or Normal mode.
Storing a Palette
This is how you save a palette value to one of the palette windows: Ifthe palette windows are not shown then press the Groups and Palettesworkspace button.
Press Clear to clear the programmer
Select the fixtures for which you want to store palette values
Using the attribute buttons and wheels, set the attributes you wantin the palette entry
You can store any or all attributes of a fixture in each palette entryPress Record then Palette (or Palette then RecordPalette)
Using Quick Record you can skip thisstep and the palette mask is set automatically to match the window.If you wish, set the palette mask - this sets which attributes willbe recorded in the palette. Select attributes using the Attribute Bankbuttons - anything lit up will be saved. Set Mask and Record bysoftkeys also control the Mask (see below).
Touch a button in one of the palette windows to store the palette(if you touch a used button you will be given further options). Or entera palette number and press Store
- If you want to record to a physical button, press Record thenPalette. All buttons where you can store the palette will thenflash, press one to store.
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The console will automatically set the palette as Global, Shared orNormal (by checking if the values to be stored are the same acrossall fixtures of the same type). You can override the setting bypressing softkey C. See below for more details of how this automaticchoice works.
Set Mask allows you to specify which attribute groups will beincluded in the palette. You can also use the grey Attribute Bankbuttons on the right hand edge of the console to set the mask.
An attribute group is included when the softkey is inverted (likethe Colour group in the picture) and when the LED is lit on theAttribute Bank button. If you use Quick Recordthe mask is automatically set by the workspace window yousave the palette in - Positions only includes P, Colours only C andBeams includes IGBES. If you use the Record button then you needto set the mask manually.Press the Attribute Options (or Options on newer consoles)button to toggle each mask group between Include and Exclude.
Record By... allows you to control how the mask is used whensaving the palette. The options are:
- Channel in programmer records only channels which are in theprogrammer (ones which you have changed)
- Group in programmer records all channels in any attribute groupwhich has one or more channels in the programmer. For example ifCyan is in the programmer, all colour channel settings will berecorded even if not in the programmer.
- Group in mask records everything included by the mask set on theattribute buttons
- Mixed records by attribute group for Position and Colour but bychannel for all other controls.
The console will automatically create a legend for your palette(unless theUser Setting Auto Legendis set to Off).
- Colours: a coloured icon is used to show the selected colour. If thepalette contains fixtures set to different colours, a coloured barwill be shown for each.
- Gobos: show the gobo image (if available in the personality - you might need toupdate the patched personalities).
- CITP (media server): show the media thumbnail.
- Pan and tilt: show a default legend
- For other attributes the last adjusted function value will be used for the legend.
You can also manually set a legend for the palette while you aresaving it using Provide a legend. SeeSetting Legends for Palettes.
If you select a Palette button which is already used, the consoleoffers you options to Cancel, Replace, Merge or QuickMerge the existing palette.
- Replace will erase the palette and save only the latest changesyou have made
- Merge will combine your changes with the palette
- Quick Merge will merge only theattributes which are currently stored in the palette - the buttonshows you which attributes.
This allows you to add settings for additional types of fixtures toa shared palette or to update the existing fixture settings.Pressing the palette button again will automatically merge usingQuick Merge.
The console will select Global mode if the programmer contains thesame values for all selected fixtures and one or more of theattributes is suitable for Global. If the values are the same butnone of the attributes are suitable for Global the console willselect Shared. If some attributes are suitable and some aren't, theconsole will record the suitable ones as Global and the others asShared. If the values are different the console will select Normal.You can prevent the console from using Global and/or Shared modesusing the Minimum Palette Modeoption in the Palettes tab ofUser Settings.
Nested Palettes

Palettes can contain references from other palettes. For example anodd/even colour palette could be created using two other colour palettesas the masters. If you wanted to change the colours, changing the mastercolour palettes would also change the odd/even colours.
The Record/Don't Record Nested Palettes option in the Record Palettemenu sets whether nested palettes are recorded (default) or whether theattribute values are recorded instead.
If you've created a new palette using nested palettes, you can switch thepalette to be non-nested (to use the values which were set at the time itwas recorded). This can be useful if a palette was recorded as nested, butthen you need to break the link to the source palettes so you can change themwithout changing the new palette.
Press Options.
Press the handle of the palette.
In the Palette tab switch off the option Fire Nested Palettes.
Now when you fire the palette, it will use the values which were set whenyou recorded it, rather than the current values in the nested palettes.
- You can reinstate the link by switching the Fire Nested Palettes option on again.
Quick Record
The palette windows allow you to quickly record a new palette. Justtouch the button where you want to record - the button will turn redwith a + sign. At this point you can enter a legend for the new paletteor change mask settings. A second press on the button will save thepalette.
When using Quick Record, the palette mask is automatically set tomatch the window - the Position window only stores P, the Colourswindow only C, and the Gobos and Beams window stores IGBES. Thisdoes not happen if you use the Record button.
Quick record also works for groups and workspaces.
Avolites For Mac Os
If you want to load a show from a Pearl Expert onto another Titan console,use the Groups and Palettes workspace window to access the fixtures/paletteson the blue/grey preset buttons on the Pearl. SeeCompatibility Windows for Pearl Expert Showsfor more details.
Setting Legends for Palettes
You can enter a legend for each palette to tell you what it is. Titanwill automatically create helpful legends when you create the palette.
Press Set Legend at the top level menu
Press the palette button for the palette you want to legend
Type the legend on the keyboard
Press Enter when you have finished
On touch buttons, the palette number is shown top left. The IPCGBESattribute groups contained in the palette are displayed below yourlegend, so for example Position palettes will show a P, colourpalettes a C and so on. In the top right corner is shown G forGlobal, N for Normal or S for Shared palette.
You can create a picture legend for your palette which could for examplerepresent the colour or gobo it will create. After pressing SetLegend and the palette button, press Picture. The picture editorwill open.
The tab buttons on the top left allow you to select Keyboard entry(legend reverts to text), Draw, Icon Library, or Load File. On the rightyou can choose Pen or Eraser, set the pen/eraser size, set the colour(white in the above picture), clear the whole picture, and Enter thelegend. The Min button top left reduces the editor to a smaller size.
If you select Library you can choose a picture from a wide range ofpre-programmed pictures. The pictures are sorted into various folderswhich are listed on the left.
Creating an Effects Palette (Shape or Pixel Mapper)
Speed up your programming by creating some palettes which apply shapesor pixel mapping effects. You can't save a key frame shape to a palette.
For an effects palette to be useful, it needs to contain only effectsettings (for example, for a pan/tilt circle you want it to move thefixtures around their current set position, not to change the positionas well). To achieve this you can either use the FX mask when saving thepalette, or you can just remember not to set any other values whenprogramming.
Press Clear, select some fixtures and Locate them
If you need to move them so you can see what's happening, you can do that tooPress Shapes and Effects, Shape Generator and choose a shapeto start
See Shape Generator for more information about shapesAlter the parameters of the shape as you require
Press Record then Palette
You cannot use Quick Record to store shape/FX palettesIf you moved the fixtures in step 1, press Set Mask and excludeeverything except FX
Press a palette button to store the shape palette
You can't use an effects palette as aQuick Palette(when you recall a palette with no fixtures selected). You must have somefixtures selected when you recall an effects palette.
Creating a Time Palette
You can create palettes which contain only time information. These canbe used to set cue times and fixture attribute times without needing toset times manually. Using a time palette also means that you can go backand change the times once in the palette, and the changes willautomatically apply to all cues which use the palette.
Press Clear, select some fixtures and Locate them
If you need to move them so you can see what's happening, you can do that tooPress Time
May be labelled Set on Mobile/Sapphire/Quartz, andNext Time on Expert/TigerChange Fade time to 2 sec. This sets the global fade time into theprogrammer.
Press Record then Palette
If you moved the fixtures in step 1, press Set Mask and excludeeverything except Time
Press a palette button to store the Time palette
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