Mac Install Pip For Python 3

  1. Now we know for certain that we're using Python 3.7.3 and pip will update alongside it without any manual aliasing between versions. Using Moshe's recommendation to use a version manager (pyenv) enables us to easily accept future upgrades without getting confused about which Python we are running at a given time.
  2. On your Mac, you need to download and install Mac OS version of Python 3 Release from Downloads for Python for Mac OS X. Second install Matplotlib. Pip3 is the Python 3 version of pip. Pip3 will install all the necessary libraries. Almost like magic!
  3. When you install two python environments, the easyinstall script will be defaulting to one of them. In the background, there are actually two easyinstall scripts for you. One, easyinstall-2.x and one easyinstall-3.x, x being the relevant minor version. So to install pip using the python3 easyinstall, just run: $ sudo easyinstall-3.x pip.
  4. Installing Pip3. Follow this link to download pip3 on your computer; Follow the instructions on the page and then after successfully downloading Pip3, run python3 in your terminal; This.

A quick guide to installing Python v3, Pip package manager and the AWS CLI on the Mac OS Sierra. This write up assumes you only have Python 2.7 that came pre-installed on the Mac and Homebrew installed. If you need Homebrew please visit and get it than come back here for the rest of the guide.

Questions: OS X (Mavericks) has Python 2.7 stock installed. But I do all my own personal Python stuff with 3.3. I just flushed my 3.3.2 install and installed the new 3.3.3. So I need to install pyserial again. I can do it the way I’ve done it before, which is: Download pyserial from pypi untar.

First let’s get Python 3 installed by running (If you had Homebrew installed it might update when you call the install command as it did for me. you might need to re-run the below install command.):

~ brew install python3

At this point, you have the system Python 2.7 available and the Homebrew version of Python 3 as well. Launch the system Python 2.7 using ~ python and Pyhton 3 using ~ python3 commands respectively.

You’ll be able to start Pip 3 using the ~ pip3 command.

Now let’s install AWS CLI.

~ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user


Verify the install using:

~ aws --version

Macos pip

In my case I had to add the Python 3 location to the $PATH variable, you might have to do it also. Here’s how:

~ export PATH=~/Library/Python/3.6/bin:$PATH

Check the aws install one more time:

~ aws --version
aws-cli/1.11.185 Python/3.6.3 Darwin/16.7.0 botocore/1.7.43

Now you should be all set :)

You will have to set up the credentials within the AWS CLI, you can get those values from the “My Security Credentials” menu link under your username in the Amazon dashboard.

Install Pip Python 2 7

Just in case you need them, here are some references:

Apple’s Mac OS comes with python 2.7 installed by default. Perhaps you may want to use python 3.x.x on your machine and also use pip for package management with python 3.x.x. The easiest way to achieve this is by:

NOTE: This tutorial does not useVirtual Environments like virtualenv or pyenv to manage various python versions

1. Installing python3

  • Follow this link and download the latest python3OS X package
  • Run the package and follow the steps to install python3 on your computer.
  • Once the installation is done, on your Terminal, run

This will print out the version of python installed on your system. The output should be similar to:

You may verify the installation directory of python by runningthe following line on the Terminal.

Mac Install Pip For Python 3

The prompt should print the install path for python3. An example output is:

2. Install pip3:

  • Securely download the file from this link
  • From the directory where the file was downloaded to, run the following command in the Terminal
  • Once the installation completes you should see the prompt print message similar to this
  • Verify the installation of pip3 by running the following on the Terminal

This should return the install location of pip3.

  • To install python3 packages using pip3, run

Remember to replace packageName with the appropriate package name for your case.

Mac Install Pip For Python 3 6

Happy Pythoning!